
piece of advice I read when opening a website, including that of my tutors at drama school, suggested I write in third person. ‘It looks more professional’ they say. ‘It presents a better version of you’ They say. ‘It gives you more intrigue’ They say… But I say…

Naahhhhhhhhhhh! I am me. How can you be honest, truthful and… you, if you’re writing as if you’re someone sitting in the corner of your life with a notepad. It just doesn’t work. To that end, this is my story, my journey, my pursuit of life.

My story - The highlights

Normal kid, normal school, normal aspirations, wanted to be a rugby player, got to the regional level as well, then was dropped from the team, they didn’t say it explicitly, but I knew it was because I was too short, (I’m 5ft 10 btw) or maybe, and this is possibly more accurate, I wasn’t good enough in comparison to the other taller, fitter, faster and better rugby players I was competing with. Dream squashed at the age of 15. Nevermind. On to the next.

Rockstar. I was close with this one, we had a banger. ‘Gimme the edge’. The lines were as follows; ‘Gimme the edge, gimme gimme the edge, gimme the edge, gimme gimme the edge’… and so on. To this day. I still don’t know what the ‘edge’ was, and if I truly did want it.

Acting. Did my first musical at around the same age. 15. Believe me, watching your mother cringe on your opening line of Perchiks duet with Hodel sticks with you, a singer I was not, but an actor. Oh. I was hooked.

Naturally after school, I became…sensible. Bypassed my A levels and joined the Royal Marine Commandos at 17. Pushed my body, my mind and self belief to the absolute brink, and come out the other with the coveted green beret. The pass rate is something like 50%, so to me, this was something to be proud of. Six wonderful, challenging years, I saw the world and had a great time. But after five years I knew it was coming to an end. In the last year, I was toying with what I wanted to do, did a couple of qualifications, until one fateful day, I was chatting to a fellow Marine, whom I hadn’t met before he said he was leaving the Corps to be an actor. And just like that. My path was set. That was years ago now, since then, I’ve trained, had a kid, got married, travelled, got some solid credits, discovered stoicism, built two businesses (Acting & a property business) and still I’m going strong. Thanks for reading.